Edmond de Rothschild
assurances et conseils.

Edmond de Rothschild Assurances et Conseils (France) supports institutional and independent wealth management professionals. In partnership with leading insurance companies in France and Luxembourg, we offer customizable solutions to meet the growing demands of policyholders.
Detail of a light fixture, Four Seasons Hotel, Megève

Objective and independent
advisory service

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Light fixture by designer Philippe Druillet, bank salons, Paris

Your clients are increasingly well-informed and demanding in terms of diversification of their investments.

Your objective is to meet these heightened requirements.

Our team of 50 experts specialised in insurance engineering stands ready to assist you in implementing top-of-the-range, customised contracts that enhance the expertise and flexibility with which you meet your clients’ requirements. We facilitate your access to the major insurance companies on the market to cover your full spectrum of needs, ranging from the simplest to the most sophisticated.

Services for
investment professionals

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Native American headdress, bank salons, Paris

We provide a complete, exclusive range of life insurance policies from major insurance companies in France and Luxembourg, under the Edmond de Rothschild name and tailored to meet your specific requirements.

We negotiate new partnerships with insurance companies on a regular basis to expand the range of policies we can offer and always stay at the forefront of a rapidly-evolving industry.

A large range of pr​oducts
 - Multi-support and multi-manager policies
 - Policies offering financial management or advisory services from an asset allocation expert
 - Personalised management policies ("mandate" management) with major French asset managers
 - Contracts offering a wide array of investment choice spanning real estate, Private Equity and structured products
 - Capitalisation policies for legal entities
 - Luxembourg-based policies, policies which can be adapted to the policyholder's country of residence
 - Contracts with free management based on expert advice (automatic arbitration)
 - Differed profit-sharing policies​


The subscriber has access to a wide array of financial instruments:
 - 1200 UCIS
 - 30 SPCI and OPCI
 - Directly held securities, ETFs, etc.
 - Unit-linked contracts structured according to opportunities
 - More than 20 insurance company euro funds
 - 6 dynamic and thematic euro funds

The subscriber has the possibility of setting up automatic arbitrages in order to invest progressively, secure capital gains, or limit any capital losses.

Manage investments autonomously,
based on expert advice

Policyholders delegate the selection of their policy investment vehicles and policy arbitrage based on a pre-selected management method in line with the desired level of risk and management approach.

Depending on market opportunities, the financial experts will decide the new fund allocations for each management style (applied to all policies with the same orientation).​​

Delegate the selection of
fund investment vehicles

Policyholders are advised on their investment choices by a financial expert, but they maintain their decision-making power over the allocation of the investment vehicles in their insurance policy.

The expert suggests investment and arbitrage opportunities for the policy based on market trends and the risk profile of the policyholder, who is free to accept the allocation suggestions, to adjust or to reject them.

Policyholders manages their contract with the expert assistance of a financial professional.​

Benefit from personalised
fund investment assistance

​Policyholders entrust the selection and changes in investment allocation vehicles to a financial specialist in line with the management profile they defined. Profile management is entirely personalised for the clients, based on their asset management goals and the level of risk they want. The potential investment universe is extensive.​​

Delegate the selection of fund investment vehicles and paper securities,
with a discretionary management mandate

Detail of a light fixture, Four Seasons Hotel, Megève

Our experts
by your side.

Our commitment? To advise you each step of the way to design, with you, the solution best suited to your needs, from the simplest to the most sophisticated.

Tailor-made advice
Right from the outset we have a clear objective: understanding precisely your needs in order to offer you a targeted and personalised solution. We take account of all the parameters to define the solution that will enable you to meet your clients' specific expectations. We regularly reassess the situation to ensure we stay in line with the evolution of your needs.

Day-to-day efficiency
Our aim is to make your day-to-day work easier so that you can concentrate on your core business: advising your clients. You benefit from personalised sales and technical support from our advisors who relieve you of the administrative follow-up of your files with insurers.
You have access to a dedicated extranet website site which provides you with all relevant policy and sales documentation as well as regulatory information.

Online subscription
We offer the possibility of subscribing online to several of our life-insurance or capitalisation policies, for individuals or legal entities. This digital subscription with electronic signature provides you with access to the full breadth of products and options available in our policies, and enhances your experience as well as that of your clients. You can also carry out your main transactions online (arbitrations, payments, withdrawals) with electronic signature on our main contracts.

Key figures


Icon Corporate Finance 01
Icon Edr Assurances Conseils 01
Icon Invest Responssable 02
Bn€ net new money in 2024
Icon Edr Assurances Conseils 03
Bn€ assets under management


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